I've been working in the game industry since 1998 and been an Art Director since 2002. I'm going to showcase many of the games I've worked on, but I won't hit on all of them. There's a more complete list in the ABOUT section.
Cards and packaging for Super Powered Smash Masters.
This is the website for Dark Unicorn Games, featuring the Super Powered Smash Masters game. You can visit it
This is the website for MechRunner. You can visit it
This is the website for The Black Coat comic book. (Wordpress skin.) You can visit it
This is from Mechrunner's Kickstarter campaign page. You can view the entire page
This is from Super Powered Smash Master's Kickstarter campaign page. The campaign stalled out and was cancelled. A relaunch is planned. You can view the entire page
This is the landing page for the Plight of the Zombie game. You can view the site
MechRunner - Launch Trailer. I'm responsible for the editing and much of the content in these videos.
Pencils by me. Inks by Jeremy Colwell and colors by Jim Charalampadis.